By HG Yadurani mataji reporting live from the yatra:
Leaving the Vaisnava Academy on the way to Mangala Arati. It is dark at this time of the day and slightly foggy. All on the path follow the same direction. Zero upcoming traffic. The sudden unannounced appearances of bicycles from any side keeps your chanting pretty sincere. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare...
Radha Madhava and Their Gopis. Four on each side. Huge lovingly eyes focused on their Lordship. Radha Madhava. Radha, loaded with mercy inviting the onlookers to join the in joy of serving the reservoir of all pleasure. Madhava, deep and dark, smiles playfully. Come!
Midway we leave to address the huge Panca Tattva Deities. They will enter your heart and imperceptive fill it with confidence of the spiritual reality our soul longs for.
Squeezing in front of the narrow altar of Lord Nrsmhadeva. We try to be the lucky ones to capture a glimpse of this merciful incarnation of The Lord. His eyes are intense, protective towards His devotees and threatening those who try to harm His dear.
Today's visit was to the birth place of Vrndavana Das Thakura. About one and half hour away from Mayapur. Right and left the road is decorated with holy places where special events took place. Like Koladvipa, the place where one can attain forgiveness. Devananda Pandit lived at that place and there was an incident where he offended his pure devotee student, Srivas Thakura and was thus rejected by Lord Caitanya. Later the repented Devananda took shelter of Varkesvara Pandit who advised him to ask Srivas Pandit for forgiveness, which he did.
Mukunda Datta used to live nearby. Long before Lord Ramacandra, when passing through here smiled. Curious Sita wondered about the meaning of that smile. In His reply He explained of His future incarnation here as a Sannyasa. The Pandavas, spent part of their exile time here. Krsna revealed Himself to Yudhistira telling him that he will appear here with the Pandavas as Ramananda Raya and his family. also other pastimes.
Arriving at the temple. Above the altar a text saying:
On the altar at the left, are the original Gaura Nitai Deities of Vrndavan das Thakura, then Radha Madhan Mohan. Then below Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subhadra and a figure of Vrndavan Das Thakur.
According to the 'Gaura Ganodesha Dipika' Vrndavana das Thakura was Srila Vyasadeva. He appeared as the son of Narayani and got raised up at the house of Srivasa Thakura after the early death of his father. He got the blessing of the most intimate associates of Lord Caitanya, of whom Sri Nityananda Prabhu was the chief.
He was the most favorite disciple of Lord Nityananda and the last initiated one. Before writing he begged for the mercy to be able to write.
He wrote a book which was called 'Caitanya Mangala'. Later he found out that there is another book of that name and changed it to 'Caitanya Bhagavat'.
If we become attentive, we will get the mercy of the Dham. BVT: we should have service inclined ears. We want our heart to transform.
Related stories: Living nearby is Saranga Thakura who, after Lord Caitanya's persistence, promised to give initiation on the following day to the first person he meets. Next day, while bathing in the river, he touched the toes of a dead body of a young boy. The boy came to life and got initiated with the name 'Murari'. Prior to his death he was getting married and was bitten by a snake which killed him. The family who heard of his coming back wanted him back to his previous family structure, but he refused saying that his father is now Saranga and he went on perusing a very serious path of spiritual practice.
Of the nine islands, this one is Druma Dwipa, characterized by servitude.
When we stop chanting offensively, we start realizing that Krsna is in His name. Guru Maharaja was reading from Rupa Goswami's text saying that if you serve Lord Caitanya, the most merciful of all incarnations, the love in His heart will spill over to you. See how glorious is this age. Looking at the devotees he said: 'you landed on the right time'...
Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura said, don't take the books for granted. Pray before reading. Give it a special place.
It is so special to give people books, but think what happens to the people when they don't get the books.
Srivas Pandit had 3 brothers - one of them had a daughter by name narayani - she was fortunate to have had prasadam from th hands of mahaprabhu when she was 4 years old - this took place at srivas angan where mahabrabhu reveals his original identity to his close associates.
According BSST commentary this place was also the home of malini mathaji (srivas Pandit wife).
He was a disciple of Lord Nityananda - he was the author of Chaitanya Bhagavata - which describes early pastimes of mahaprabhu - he is considered to be incarnation of vyasadeva
We had little time and after we heard glorification of vrindavan das takur by Vaiseshika Prabhu and vrajendranandan (raj) prabhu, Vaiseshika Prabhu sang the nityananda ashtkam.
Today's photos were taken by Asit Prabhu
Pictures from today:

Hare Krishna!
Your servant,
Yadurani dd.
Leaving the Vaisnava Academy on the way to Mangala Arati. It is dark at this time of the day and slightly foggy. All on the path follow the same direction. Zero upcoming traffic. The sudden unannounced appearances of bicycles from any side keeps your chanting pretty sincere. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare...
Radha Madhava and Their Gopis. Four on each side. Huge lovingly eyes focused on their Lordship. Radha Madhava. Radha, loaded with mercy inviting the onlookers to join the in joy of serving the reservoir of all pleasure. Madhava, deep and dark, smiles playfully. Come!
Midway we leave to address the huge Panca Tattva Deities. They will enter your heart and imperceptive fill it with confidence of the spiritual reality our soul longs for.
Squeezing in front of the narrow altar of Lord Nrsmhadeva. We try to be the lucky ones to capture a glimpse of this merciful incarnation of The Lord. His eyes are intense, protective towards His devotees and threatening those who try to harm His dear.
Today's visit was to the birth place of Vrndavana Das Thakura. About one and half hour away from Mayapur. Right and left the road is decorated with holy places where special events took place. Like Koladvipa, the place where one can attain forgiveness. Devananda Pandit lived at that place and there was an incident where he offended his pure devotee student, Srivas Thakura and was thus rejected by Lord Caitanya. Later the repented Devananda took shelter of Varkesvara Pandit who advised him to ask Srivas Pandit for forgiveness, which he did.
Mukunda Datta used to live nearby. Long before Lord Ramacandra, when passing through here smiled. Curious Sita wondered about the meaning of that smile. In His reply He explained of His future incarnation here as a Sannyasa. The Pandavas, spent part of their exile time here. Krsna revealed Himself to Yudhistira telling him that he will appear here with the Pandavas as Ramananda Raya and his family. also other pastimes.
Arriving at the temple. Above the altar a text saying:
On the altar at the left, are the original Gaura Nitai Deities of Vrndavan das Thakura, then Radha Madhan Mohan. Then below Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subhadra and a figure of Vrndavan Das Thakur.
According to the 'Gaura Ganodesha Dipika' Vrndavana das Thakura was Srila Vyasadeva. He appeared as the son of Narayani and got raised up at the house of Srivasa Thakura after the early death of his father. He got the blessing of the most intimate associates of Lord Caitanya, of whom Sri Nityananda Prabhu was the chief.
He was the most favorite disciple of Lord Nityananda and the last initiated one. Before writing he begged for the mercy to be able to write.
He wrote a book which was called 'Caitanya Mangala'. Later he found out that there is another book of that name and changed it to 'Caitanya Bhagavat'.
If we become attentive, we will get the mercy of the Dham. BVT: we should have service inclined ears. We want our heart to transform.
Related stories: Living nearby is Saranga Thakura who, after Lord Caitanya's persistence, promised to give initiation on the following day to the first person he meets. Next day, while bathing in the river, he touched the toes of a dead body of a young boy. The boy came to life and got initiated with the name 'Murari'. Prior to his death he was getting married and was bitten by a snake which killed him. The family who heard of his coming back wanted him back to his previous family structure, but he refused saying that his father is now Saranga and he went on perusing a very serious path of spiritual practice.
Of the nine islands, this one is Druma Dwipa, characterized by servitude.
When we stop chanting offensively, we start realizing that Krsna is in His name. Guru Maharaja was reading from Rupa Goswami's text saying that if you serve Lord Caitanya, the most merciful of all incarnations, the love in His heart will spill over to you. See how glorious is this age. Looking at the devotees he said: 'you landed on the right time'...
Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura said, don't take the books for granted. Pray before reading. Give it a special place.
It is so special to give people books, but think what happens to the people when they don't get the books.
Srivas Pandit had 3 brothers - one of them had a daughter by name narayani - she was fortunate to have had prasadam from th hands of mahaprabhu when she was 4 years old - this took place at srivas angan where mahabrabhu reveals his original identity to his close associates.
According BSST commentary this place was also the home of malini mathaji (srivas Pandit wife).
He was a disciple of Lord Nityananda - he was the author of Chaitanya Bhagavata - which describes early pastimes of mahaprabhu - he is considered to be incarnation of vyasadeva
We had little time and after we heard glorification of vrindavan das takur by Vaiseshika Prabhu and vrajendranandan (raj) prabhu, Vaiseshika Prabhu sang the nityananda ashtkam.
Today's photos were taken by Asit Prabhu
Pictures from today:

Hare Krishna!
Your servant,
Yadurani dd.
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