ISV Yatra. day 3. February. 11th summary by HG Yadurani mataji:
This morning Guru Maharaja gave the Srimad Bhagavatam lecture (6.4.5) in the temple:
The verse describes the Pracetas who very angrily engaged in burning the many trees which covered the earth while they were engaged in their long meditation.
Some short highlights:
SP says in the purport that a devotee is never angry, but is always decorated with good qualities and that the real feature of a devotee who undergoes tapasya is forgiveness.
On the Bhakti path we follow yukta vairagya. We use things in the service of The Lord. Like this one becomes forgiving. With the other processes there is a fight between the emotions and desires and since the living entity is conscience it may make one hard hearted.
In the process of Bhakti! our moto is giving. Our heart becomes larger and in the attempt to give it we are growing and ones heart becomes refind.
In the process of preaching we may be misunderstood, ignored or opposed.
When one is opposed one becomes stronger. You learn how can I present better. He gave the example of being challenged by the statement people said: 'I am all right, I am good...'. He learned from Vijaya pr. the reply: 'I know you are good. It can always get better, isn't it?'
If neglected, remedy, take the opportunity to work on becoming free of false prestige.
There are miracles which sustain the life of the Bhakta. Actually the living entity is a miracle. The devotee sees everyone as a tabernacle (this was Srila Prabhupada's translation to the word 'dehe'.
Like this one who preaches comes in contact with the divine. He sees the self beyond the covering of Maya.
3 ways to see others:
1. The not very liberal person will see others according to their past
2. a more liberal one, according to their present. Forget their past, let's see what they are now
3. The most liberated sees the future of that person.
After the class there was time for hearing reflections from the devotees.
1. Dravida Prabhu said that he was impressed that even after being neglected while distributing books, VDA still went on. VDA replied that we are living under. The guidance which is in the Gita and one lesson in neglect is that we neglect Krishna. Inattention hurts. Breaks the exchange.
A devotee has a mantra: I live to be corrected. Try practicing it and see how it makes us more refined in KC.
Another point was made about not being aggressive while preaching. Example of Lord Caitanya who'd conquered the Mayavadi Sannyasis by His humility. By harshness their enmity will increase.
Q. A devotee mentioned that he is more accommodating towards the nondevotees. How to deal with that?
A. SK is holistic. Not only meant for when we go out. Should be mood of accommodation. Communication should always be there. SP said that our organization will spread by giving. Best occupation you can get.
Think what you can give, then change the world. Told a story of getting the Bhagavat Gita 'paid' with a cigarate lighter which he still uses for his puja while praying to Krsna that their service will be accepted.
Live with the moto: I live to be corrected.
Today's Yatra
A boat kirtan on the Jalangi river
A visit to Bhaktivinode Thakura's Bhajan Kutir across this river.
Some special guests came along like Mahatma dasa, Brajendra Nandana pr., and others. Also a big group of young devotees from Nepal.
In this place BVT spent his last years. Fully immersed in chanting and writing. We sang the songs he wrote and heard devotees realizations.
Mahatma dasa said how close he feels to BVT, even though he lived one hundred years ago. This could take place because of his writings which are so relevant.
These devotees are so advances, Mahatma pr. Said. They are eternal associates of The Lord.
We can appreciate how much facility Krsna gives us for going Back to Godhead.
The Holy name depends on the intensity of your desires? SPIRITUAL: just chant sincerely. Not for the crowd. We satisfy BVT by chanting.
Brajendra Nandana pr. Was praised by GM as being so sincere and always serving the devotees. BN pr. Said that it is one of his favorite places. Four of our a vaisnava acaryas were here.
There is value to your life when you serve a devotee.
One should organize his life around serving Krsna.
Reason for the bhakti creeper growth:
Serving devotees
The dust of their feet
Enthusiastic devotional service.
GM read from SB 4.19.34. Lord Brahma to king Prithu who wants to punish Indra for disturbing the completion of the horse sacrifice.
Do not become agitated. The more we try to rectify, the more we enter into the darkest region of material anxiety. Tolerate instead.
Reading of Lord Caitanya in His 5 features.
The conditioned soul is helpless, but thinks he is protected by material assets . The highest can be achieved by one who does not place his faith in material position.
By continuous hearing, even what we cannot understand, will be understood in the cause of time.
GM: (in the background sounds of bells from the horses who pull carts). So pristine. No internet, no iPhone. A different atmosphere.
BVT's mission was to reveal the teachings of LCD to the world.
Nobody tops the Thakura...
Pray to keep this mercy and give to people all over the world.
Devotees end up their visit in the Thakura's B. Kutir being enriched with hearing his songs, his philosophy and vision. Also placed a heartfelt prayer for help in the mission of spreading KC.
Chanting and dancing were in abundance. Even the elderly family members of Malini joined in the dance with full enthusiasm. It was their first time...
Pictures from today:

Hare Krsna.
Ys Yadurani dd.
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