Initiation Ceremony Lecture
Nityananda prabhu would do dramas of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and everyone who watched they noticed how during the dramas the kids would make it so real. One time Nityananda prabhu playing Lakshman was hit by a flower representing an arrow and Nityananda prabhu fainted and many people were worried. Some boys remembered that we had to get the special herb to revive him. When the people saw these pastimes people were astonished how he remembers all these pastimes and Nityananda prabhu would say it's my pastimes. This was the mood of Nityananda prabhu to help spread the KC movement to everyone. Once a sanyasi came to Hadai Pandit and said I need your son so I can train him up. Hadai pandit allowed his son to go but he soon left his body and while travelling Nityananda Prabhu heard about Mahaprabhu. Nitai came here to see Mahaprabhu and they both joined together. Both Nitai and Gaura have both appeared like sun and moon together to give the wonderful benediction to everyone. Came to give the most merciful benediction to everyone and the top most love of Godhead to everyone. So this Samskara will be etched in our hearts on this beautiful day.
Mood of Chaitanya and Nityananda was how to do good for others similar to Gosvamis who always wanted to do service, surrender and do good for others. Diksha kale - atma samarpan my whole life is meant to serve Krsna. Krsna says at that time you are in the same family as me. So today we are going into the wonderful family of our acharyas.
Holy Name doesn't wait for any initiation. The Holy Name and Krsna are non different. There is no difference between the name and the names. Name is more merciful than the names. If someone gets distant from Krsna (material world) the Holy Names comes after us and chases us and says - The Holy Name is so merciful that even if someone is blind to spiritual life, they can awaken their Bhakti. In the 6th canto it's said though anyone can chant the HK, but someone who takes it from a Guru in the parampara who is surrendered and if someone knows and continues to chant without taking initiation they are commuting the 3rd offense. We have to take it in a humble position and in that humble position K appreciates that and Krsna helps you in your process.
Second initiation - People say just chant HK, but when they chant they complain mind is going everywhere, lifestyle is not helping and then they stop chanting as they are in the lower modes and next thing you know all they are doing is only srama. The purpose of Panchratrika initiation is that when we are chanting we have to keep ourselves in a clean state and it's an assistant to the HK maha mantra. Gayatri mantras are an assistant for us to chant nicely. It gives an opportunity to help us rise and helps us engage our senses all day in Krsna's service. We are tied to Krsna's schedule in the pancharatrika vidhi. Krsna wakes up early and we do the same at Krsna's timing. We avail ourselves to Krsna's schedule. Gaya tri mantra + 6 other mantras passed down from our acharyas. The mantra has a Krsna mantra which is the source of all the mantras and it also has a bija which is the seed of the mantra and this will help us cultivate to come closer to Krsna and it also help us come closer to the HK mahamantra and there is no other way to get out of the material world.
This is crucial because at every moment it's vital that our bhava or feeling of our mind, hearts, is saturated with Krsna. Just think of me Krsna says. With Gayatri, HK maha mantra, deity worship,seva we are saturated with remembering Krsna.
Gurudeva was carried away just by the aroma of the incense similar to the aroma of the Tulsi leaves on Krsna's feet. We get attached by all these wonderful things related to Krsna and the deities.
Another reason for initiation is we have a mission and it's really important. Nitai and Gaura were marketers. Their mission/vision is Every town and village. This initiation helps to give you some stature so you can take some responsibility for Krsna's movement and don't take no for an answer for anything to give Krsna's mercy to everyone. No matter what obstacles are there we still keep going to share this mercy with everyone.
I will cross over the ocean of material world to get to Krsna's lotus feet. Very determined in doing Devotional practice.
Offenses to consider when chanting the Holy Name:
Initiation Ceremony Lecture
Nityananda Trayodasi Celebrations
Evening Class
SB Class by Gurudeva at Mayapur
Nityananda prabhu would do dramas of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and everyone who watched they noticed how during the dramas the kids would make it so real. One time Nityananda prabhu playing Lakshman was hit by a flower representing an arrow and Nityananda prabhu fainted and many people were worried. Some boys remembered that we had to get the special herb to revive him. When the people saw these pastimes people were astonished how he remembers all these pastimes and Nityananda prabhu would say it's my pastimes. This was the mood of Nityananda prabhu to help spread the KC movement to everyone. Once a sanyasi came to Hadai Pandit and said I need your son so I can train him up. Hadai pandit allowed his son to go but he soon left his body and while travelling Nityananda Prabhu heard about Mahaprabhu. Nitai came here to see Mahaprabhu and they both joined together. Both Nitai and Gaura have both appeared like sun and moon together to give the wonderful benediction to everyone. Came to give the most merciful benediction to everyone and the top most love of Godhead to everyone. So this Samskara will be etched in our hearts on this beautiful day.
Mood of Chaitanya and Nityananda was how to do good for others similar to Gosvamis who always wanted to do service, surrender and do good for others. Diksha kale - atma samarpan my whole life is meant to serve Krsna. Krsna says at that time you are in the same family as me. So today we are going into the wonderful family of our acharyas.
Holy Name doesn't wait for any initiation. The Holy Name and Krsna are non different. There is no difference between the name and the names. Name is more merciful than the names. If someone gets distant from Krsna (material world) the Holy Names comes after us and chases us and says - The Holy Name is so merciful that even if someone is blind to spiritual life, they can awaken their Bhakti. In the 6th canto it's said though anyone can chant the HK, but someone who takes it from a Guru in the parampara who is surrendered and if someone knows and continues to chant without taking initiation they are commuting the 3rd offense. We have to take it in a humble position and in that humble position K appreciates that and Krsna helps you in your process.
Second initiation - People say just chant HK, but when they chant they complain mind is going everywhere, lifestyle is not helping and then they stop chanting as they are in the lower modes and next thing you know all they are doing is only srama. The purpose of Panchratrika initiation is that when we are chanting we have to keep ourselves in a clean state and it's an assistant to the HK maha mantra. Gayatri mantras are an assistant for us to chant nicely. It gives an opportunity to help us rise and helps us engage our senses all day in Krsna's service. We are tied to Krsna's schedule in the pancharatrika vidhi. Krsna wakes up early and we do the same at Krsna's timing. We avail ourselves to Krsna's schedule. Gaya tri mantra + 6 other mantras passed down from our acharyas. The mantra has a Krsna mantra which is the source of all the mantras and it also has a bija which is the seed of the mantra and this will help us cultivate to come closer to Krsna and it also help us come closer to the HK mahamantra and there is no other way to get out of the material world.
This is crucial because at every moment it's vital that our bhava or feeling of our mind, hearts, is saturated with Krsna. Just think of me Krsna says. With Gayatri, HK maha mantra, deity worship,seva we are saturated with remembering Krsna.
Gurudeva was carried away just by the aroma of the incense similar to the aroma of the Tulsi leaves on Krsna's feet. We get attached by all these wonderful things related to Krsna and the deities.
Another reason for initiation is we have a mission and it's really important. Nitai and Gaura were marketers. Their mission/vision is Every town and village. This initiation helps to give you some stature so you can take some responsibility for Krsna's movement and don't take no for an answer for anything to give Krsna's mercy to everyone. No matter what obstacles are there we still keep going to share this mercy with everyone.
I will cross over the ocean of material world to get to Krsna's lotus feet. Very determined in doing Devotional practice.
Offenses to consider when chanting the Holy Name:
- Never criticize any devotees no matter what - Avoid offenses to all devotees. Glorify devotees and take the high road if there is some criticism happening just walk away.
- Look at all 10 offenses and how you can avoid them.
- Read SP's books as they are the the foundation vibration of the HK movement.
- Read all of SP's books and go deeply and get a PHD in his books.
- Go deeply within SP's books.
- Be a kind friend to all living beings and be a representative of Nityananda. He was a adhosa darshi, don't see the faults of anyone.
- Follow in his footsteps.
- Sankirtan movement - make a difference in significant ways and help it grow and expand in many different ways.
- Follow all the rules and regulations and chant the HK mahamantra.
- Make a systematic and deep study of SP's books.
Evening Class
- Realizations
- Read from Adi Lila
Initiation Ceremony Lecture
Nityananda Trayodasi Celebrations
Evening Class
SB Class by Gurudeva at Mayapur