HG Vaisesika Prabhu Gurudeva:
For someone to take up devotional service, it's a very cumbersome task. Advaitya Acharya is the incarnation of maha visnu and yet he's called Advaita. Hence he's the intimate part of Krsna. He's instrumental in laying out all the elements of the material world for helping jivas fulfill their material desires.
Advaita Acarya feeling compassion for the living entities prayed to the Lord to have Mahaprabhu come down. This place is very remote and 500 years ago at this small place he would give SB classes and people would come and this shows, anyone and anywhere if you have a small place and a BG SB you can kickstart the Hare Krishna movement.
He is a Vishnu tattva and same category as Mahaprabhu but still Advaita who is the expansion of the Lord beginning from Baladeva who is the first expansion of Krsna. He expands himself in 10 ways to help Lord perform His pastimes in a mood of servitorship.
The servitors of the Lord enjoys 10 million times more than the Lord himself. Advaita Acharya is showing this, Baladeva showing this as servitor. When Advaita Acharya shows this mood, he is sharing be a servitor of the Lord. Just be the servant of the best which is Mahaprabhu. Servant of a king lives just like a king eats, sleeps wears similar to the king at the same time having no responsiblities like a king. If you just declare yourself as a servant of Mahaprabhu then you will make your life successful.
Become a servitor, restart the HK movement by reading the BG everyday and share the BG teachings to everyone. Just beging speaking the message of the BG to everyone and that will attract Krsna and He will help you to expand this in miraculous ways. Even Brahma had major difficulties to manage the universal earth and we see how Brahma was sitting meditating on the Lord and the Lord showed up as a boar to help and this shows Brahma who couldn't solve problems and depended on Krsna same way we also need to depend on Krsna to solve our problems.
Advaita Acharya sat and loudly cried to Krsna for help in front of his deity. This is the way we should also cry our loudly, helplessly and just depend on Krsna, make loud cries by just offering ganges water and tulsi leaves and with loud cries called out to the Lord to descend.
When Advaita Acharya disturbed Mahaprabhu by waking him up from the milk ocean Mahaprabhu came and asked what do you want now? So just read out loud
1. Declare yourself as a servant
2. Start a group to read BG
3. Read out loud and spread the teachings of BG
Just a servant of the servant of the servant of Mahaprabhu. This is the place SP came and prayed to Advaita to be able to fulfill his Master's order. He came here to emulate the mood of Advaita Acharya of how to spread KC everywhere in the world. The main facility for preachers is the mood and the blessing of Advaita Acharya to spread the KC movement all over the world.
Then we sang the beautiful Bhajan Gita song.
HG Rajendrananda Prabhu
This is the perfection of life :) This place is so merciful - Madhavendra puri came here who else came?
- Isvara Puri
- Mahaprabhu
- Nityananda Pr
- Haridas Thakur
- All associates of Mahaprabhu were here
- SP used to come here and chant earnestly praying for their mercy and guidance.
Lower land below was where Ganges used to flow. A day in the life of Advaita Acharya. If we hadn't got land near Mayapur, the other place was to get land at Shantipur.
Mahaprabhu glorified Advaita Acharya at every minute He could find and that killed Advaita Acharya. The only power Advaita had was devotional service. He preached the glories of gyan and that got Mahaprabhu to chastise Advaita to get Mahaprabhu's mercy. Mahaprabhu beat Advaita and Sita Thakurani prayed please stop and then Advaita stood up and danced and chanted see I'm your servant and you are my master and I have now got your mercy.
Mahaprabhu felt embarassed to having beater Advaita and happily gave him a benediction. Srila BSST gives an interesting purport that when Advaita Acarya was preaching very nicely Mahaprabhu gave his benediction.
If anyone will chant the HK mantra nicely without any envy then we will make progress.It's a weed, envy is a weed and that will cause us not to grow spiritually. Everday it will be like watering this weed. The 3 lords took prasadam just down. Externally Nityananda and Advaita fought and they had a loving reciprocation. They were never materially fighting.
HG Madhavananda Prabhu's class
We sang a beautiful song Obesiances to Adwaita Prabhu b Srila Dhyanachandra Goswami
What is Adwaita Acharya's postion? What quality sets Adwaita Acharya from other associates from Mahapurabhu?
This place Shantipur was a very important place. There was Kuvera Pandit and Nawa Devifather of Adwaita and he was Kuvera in the previous life. One day his singing attracted Shiva and gave Kuvera the blesssing that he would be very happy if Siva is his son. But it was confusing as Adwaita Acharya is Mahadev and sometimes we know that Adwaita is Maha visnu, so how to understand this?
They both started worshipping Krsna and with great devotion. Seeing their devotion Maha Vishnu appered in womb of Nava Devi and then Adwaita appered also decribed in Bhakti Ratnakara by Narottam das thakur. In one occasion Kuvera pandit and his wife Navadevi heard criticism of a Vaishnav. They lamented how could I hear such a thing I'm so fallen. They decided that evening that just hearing the criticsm of a vaishnav, we should just die. So Kuvera pandit and his wife decided that we should kill ourselves. So when they were taking rest in their dream they saw 2 personalities, one was glowing and other was very handsome. The glowing personality told the handsome personality said you should go down to the earth and then the personality entered the womb of Nava devi and that was Adwaita Acarya. He came to prevent the envy and criticism of everyone and the other was to call Mahaprabhu.
Vrindavan das thakur said - The holy name will deliver everyone and the same name will destroy the demons. If someone is acting like a demon and is chanting Krsna's name they will get kaivalya mukti.
Anyone who criticizes Krsna's das that is vaishnava aparadha. Everyone is Krsna's servant who is just chanting His name and not criticizing other devotees, Sada shiva appeared to stop this Vaishnava aparadha.
Once Adwaita went to Vrindavan and he saw a person who was appearing as a saintly person but was a very bad person. Adwaita became so angry that he was about to kill him using a Sudarshan chakra and showed the 4 handed form, the person fell at his feet and asked for mercy. Adwaita said ok do naam sankirtan, be servant of the servant of everyone and just serve all vaishnavas and never criticize anybody. Lesson is that if we want to do our bhajan and call Mahaprabhu as Adwaita Acarya did we have to do 2 things:
1. Chant HK's name and
2. Never criticize anyone!
A person is the worst who just goes around just seeing bad things of others and just criticizing devotees. NEVER EVER NEVER EVER CRITICIZE DEVOTEES! If vaishnava has actually done wrong, then we also get that result, but if a devotee hasn't done wrong then we get double the result of what we are saying. Just stop criticizing everyone and just chant the Holy Name.
Sankalpa means, a promise a determination and it's accepting favorable and rejecting what's not favorable. Adwaita Acarya is the epitomy of this. Unless I am able to call Krsna to this place I won't be called Adwaita Acarya. He had this fixed determination and just accepted what is favorable and didn't do any vaishnava ninda. The sankalpa will give us some values and this will help us to be fixed up and helps us to be determined in our devotional service.
After the beautiful yatra to Shantipur we had a wonderful evening class and reflections which you can hear below in the links.

1. Shantipur
2. Evening Class
HG Vaisesika Prabhu Gurudeva:
For someone to take up devotional service, it's a very cumbersome task. Advaitya Acharya is the incarnation of maha visnu and yet he's called Advaita. Hence he's the intimate part of Krsna. He's instrumental in laying out all the elements of the material world for helping jivas fulfill their material desires.
Advaita Acarya feeling compassion for the living entities prayed to the Lord to have Mahaprabhu come down. This place is very remote and 500 years ago at this small place he would give SB classes and people would come and this shows, anyone and anywhere if you have a small place and a BG SB you can kickstart the Hare Krishna movement.
He is a Vishnu tattva and same category as Mahaprabhu but still Advaita who is the expansion of the Lord beginning from Baladeva who is the first expansion of Krsna. He expands himself in 10 ways to help Lord perform His pastimes in a mood of servitorship.
The servitors of the Lord enjoys 10 million times more than the Lord himself. Advaita Acharya is showing this, Baladeva showing this as servitor. When Advaita Acharya shows this mood, he is sharing be a servitor of the Lord. Just be the servant of the best which is Mahaprabhu. Servant of a king lives just like a king eats, sleeps wears similar to the king at the same time having no responsiblities like a king. If you just declare yourself as a servant of Mahaprabhu then you will make your life successful.
Become a servitor, restart the HK movement by reading the BG everyday and share the BG teachings to everyone. Just beging speaking the message of the BG to everyone and that will attract Krsna and He will help you to expand this in miraculous ways. Even Brahma had major difficulties to manage the universal earth and we see how Brahma was sitting meditating on the Lord and the Lord showed up as a boar to help and this shows Brahma who couldn't solve problems and depended on Krsna same way we also need to depend on Krsna to solve our problems.
Advaita Acharya sat and loudly cried to Krsna for help in front of his deity. This is the way we should also cry our loudly, helplessly and just depend on Krsna, make loud cries by just offering ganges water and tulsi leaves and with loud cries called out to the Lord to descend.
When Advaita Acharya disturbed Mahaprabhu by waking him up from the milk ocean Mahaprabhu came and asked what do you want now? So just read out loud
1. Declare yourself as a servant
2. Start a group to read BG
3. Read out loud and spread the teachings of BG
Just a servant of the servant of the servant of Mahaprabhu. This is the place SP came and prayed to Advaita to be able to fulfill his Master's order. He came here to emulate the mood of Advaita Acharya of how to spread KC everywhere in the world. The main facility for preachers is the mood and the blessing of Advaita Acharya to spread the KC movement all over the world.
Then we sang the beautiful Bhajan Gita song.
HG Rajendrananda Prabhu
This is the perfection of life :) This place is so merciful - Madhavendra puri came here who else came?
- Isvara Puri
- Mahaprabhu
- Nityananda Pr
- Haridas Thakur
- All associates of Mahaprabhu were here
- SP used to come here and chant earnestly praying for their mercy and guidance.
Lower land below was where Ganges used to flow. A day in the life of Advaita Acharya. If we hadn't got land near Mayapur, the other place was to get land at Shantipur.
Mahaprabhu glorified Advaita Acharya at every minute He could find and that killed Advaita Acharya. The only power Advaita had was devotional service. He preached the glories of gyan and that got Mahaprabhu to chastise Advaita to get Mahaprabhu's mercy. Mahaprabhu beat Advaita and Sita Thakurani prayed please stop and then Advaita stood up and danced and chanted see I'm your servant and you are my master and I have now got your mercy.
Mahaprabhu felt embarassed to having beater Advaita and happily gave him a benediction. Srila BSST gives an interesting purport that when Advaita Acarya was preaching very nicely Mahaprabhu gave his benediction.
If anyone will chant the HK mantra nicely without any envy then we will make progress.It's a weed, envy is a weed and that will cause us not to grow spiritually. Everday it will be like watering this weed. The 3 lords took prasadam just down. Externally Nityananda and Advaita fought and they had a loving reciprocation. They were never materially fighting.
HG Madhavananda Prabhu's class
We sang a beautiful song Obesiances to Adwaita Prabhu b Srila Dhyanachandra Goswami
What is Adwaita Acharya's postion? What quality sets Adwaita Acharya from other associates from Mahapurabhu?
This place Shantipur was a very important place. There was Kuvera Pandit and Nawa Devifather of Adwaita and he was Kuvera in the previous life. One day his singing attracted Shiva and gave Kuvera the blesssing that he would be very happy if Siva is his son. But it was confusing as Adwaita Acharya is Mahadev and sometimes we know that Adwaita is Maha visnu, so how to understand this?
They both started worshipping Krsna and with great devotion. Seeing their devotion Maha Vishnu appered in womb of Nava Devi and then Adwaita appered also decribed in Bhakti Ratnakara by Narottam das thakur. In one occasion Kuvera pandit and his wife Navadevi heard criticism of a Vaishnav. They lamented how could I hear such a thing I'm so fallen. They decided that evening that just hearing the criticsm of a vaishnav, we should just die. So Kuvera pandit and his wife decided that we should kill ourselves. So when they were taking rest in their dream they saw 2 personalities, one was glowing and other was very handsome. The glowing personality told the handsome personality said you should go down to the earth and then the personality entered the womb of Nava devi and that was Adwaita Acarya. He came to prevent the envy and criticism of everyone and the other was to call Mahaprabhu.
Vrindavan das thakur said - The holy name will deliver everyone and the same name will destroy the demons. If someone is acting like a demon and is chanting Krsna's name they will get kaivalya mukti.
Anyone who criticizes Krsna's das that is vaishnava aparadha. Everyone is Krsna's servant who is just chanting His name and not criticizing other devotees, Sada shiva appeared to stop this Vaishnava aparadha.
Once Adwaita went to Vrindavan and he saw a person who was appearing as a saintly person but was a very bad person. Adwaita became so angry that he was about to kill him using a Sudarshan chakra and showed the 4 handed form, the person fell at his feet and asked for mercy. Adwaita said ok do naam sankirtan, be servant of the servant of everyone and just serve all vaishnavas and never criticize anybody. Lesson is that if we want to do our bhajan and call Mahaprabhu as Adwaita Acarya did we have to do 2 things:
1. Chant HK's name and
2. Never criticize anyone!
A person is the worst who just goes around just seeing bad things of others and just criticizing devotees. NEVER EVER NEVER EVER CRITICIZE DEVOTEES! If vaishnava has actually done wrong, then we also get that result, but if a devotee hasn't done wrong then we get double the result of what we are saying. Just stop criticizing everyone and just chant the Holy Name.
Sankalpa means, a promise a determination and it's accepting favorable and rejecting what's not favorable. Adwaita Acarya is the epitomy of this. Unless I am able to call Krsna to this place I won't be called Adwaita Acarya. He had this fixed determination and just accepted what is favorable and didn't do any vaishnava ninda. The sankalpa will give us some values and this will help us to be fixed up and helps us to be determined in our devotional service.
After the beautiful yatra to Shantipur we had a wonderful evening class and reflections which you can hear below in the links.

1. Shantipur
2. Evening Class
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