Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Yatra Day 9, Mayapur

Sri Chaitanya Mutta
Sri Chaitanya Mutt, BSST Samadhi

HG Rajendrananda Prabhu:
In Chaitanya Bhagavat there is a drama which the associates of Mahaprabhu enacted. Mahaprabhu enacted the divine mother as Radharani herself had appearched and through His mercy all the devotees were also part of the drama.

Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur had the preaching mood. Always remember Krsna, bow down to me said Krsna and Mahaprabhu said whomever you see give them the gift of Krsna. Srila BSST pastimes are only heard by the service inclined ears and tongue. We started off by a blessing from BSST, please accept my blessings to you all in present and absent. Only mission is to spread the glories of Krsna and Mahaprabhu to all.

At the end of his life doctors were trying to tell BSST you have to slow down and stay here and BSST - life is the glorification of topics of Krsna and if that is stopped then what is the use of life at all. Our span of life is short and life will be successful if it's constant with Krsna Katha. For example Srila JP Maharaj's life - he is a living example of showing how he's absored in Krsna Katha. We have to take care of the health but someone who is so absorbed they don't care of their bodily condition, they don't know if it's day or night but just absorbed in Krsna's Katha.

Our mood is the preaching work. Those who are empowered to preach is a gift, the motor is the bhakti shakti, one who becomes transformed, that person can preach. When one received diksha that person is considered same as Krsna. Diksha is the transcendental knowledge which removes all sins, all dirtiness. Mahaprabhu brought it down to give it to one and all. Dasosmi - I'm simply your servant, that is a Guru and that's when we are trying to catch on our parikrama. Our mood should be that Krsna should take a glance on us instead of us trying to take darshan. We should be here not to enjoy, not feel I'm special then we don't receive the mercy what Krsna wants to give us. We are simply coming in a begging mood. Mahaprabhu just came to show us the begging mood and BVT, BSST were given that blessing because they had the mood.

From Gurudeva:
Then we read from page 28 of our song book - BSST is the song of BVT who's guru was Gaur Kishore babji maharaj. Both of them left in succession right after one another. He felt unqualified to preach and hence he took a vrat of just chanting the Holy Name and then he had a revelation of how to preach. Same way in our life situations, we might have situations which are complex or confusing (same with SP). SP had so many reversals in Jhansi but he pushed forward. There is a way in which we might feel that our dev practices haven't helped yet and that's when living in preparation mode is very helpful. Look at our Acharyas - they all went through tests and struggles and weren't prepackaged so from the life of BSST and SP and others always stay in the ready mode - very very strong in devotional practice. If we feel we can't do everything, doesn't mean we can't do anything. Krsna reciprocates with anybody who does something, even if it's very small.

If someone cheats themselves by not performing their dev service and practice to their ability there is a consequence. Don't despair, but prepare. Don't feel low, but pick up and keep going. We then sang:

gay gora madhur sware
hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

grihe thako, vane thako, sada ‘hari’ bole’ dako,
sukhe duhkhe bhulo na’ko, vadane hari-nam koro re

maya-jale baddha ho ’ye, acho miche kaja lo ’ye,
ekhona cetana pe’ye, ‘radha-madhav’ nam bolo re

jivana hoilo sesha, na bhajile hrishikesa
bhaktivinodopadesa, ekbar nam-rase mato re

(1) Lord Gaurasundara sings in a very sweet voice, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
(2) Whether you are a householder or a sannyasi, constantly chant "Hari! Hari!" Do not forget this chanting, whether you are in a happy condition or a distressful one. Just fill your lips with the hari-nama.
(3) You are bound up in the network of maya and are forced to toil fruitlessly. Now you have obtained full consciousness in the human form of life, so chant the names of Radha-Madhava.
(4) Your life may end at any moment, and you have not served the Lord of the senses, Hrishikesa. Take this advice of Bhaktivinoda Thakura: "Just once, relish the nectar of the holy name!"

From HG Madhavananda Prabhu:
Drsta and Drista - Seer and the Seen. We should be the seen and not the seer. Darshan means the Lord sees us. One day they noticed BSST was crying one morning and they all felt he was mad. But one devotee saw even right now Gaura lila is going on. BSST said - Mahaprabhu is dancing with all His associates. One devotee by the mercy of his Gurudeva saw it. One day BSST went for a walk and there was a dead animal in a ditch and devotees covered their noses, BSST said you don't see dhaam but you are just seeing outwardly.

One day there was a dome broken and BSST said a pujari has done wrong and that's why this has happened. We can't see who is who in the Dhaam. If we think of Drsta and Drista lots of ramifications. From BVT and SP - when BVT established the adbhuta mandir, in that temple they say it's the place for all vaishnavas to come together and do sankirtan. Party sprit and sectarianism is the drawback - that is the seer and seen issue because we start judging, but that wasn't the mood of BSST or SP. Sectarianism is the natural byproduct of the absolute truth. When the acarya gives instruction then it's not sectarianism, but when the instruction gets changed then it become sectarianism. All the rules are subservient to "ARK and NFK". We can't be ready fully to start preaching. Just do your best at the postion you are.

Nitai mean take this, take this. This is the mood of our movement, give this out to everyone. That is the mood of our movement. Now we are going to the best spot in the universe - Srivas Angam that's the place where Mahaprabhu started the nocturnal kirtan. That's where He started the sankirtan movement all night long for a year. They didn't sleep for a whole year, they just did intimate chanting for a whole year. After a year, Mahaprabhu opeened the doors and said go out and distribute this love to everyeone.

Book distribution - SP said the fire has started you can't stop it even with big fire brigades. Everything comes from chanting HK, everything is there. We don't need anything else. SB says take advantage of the Holy Name and just chant with your heart, chant as if there is nothing else in this world, but just chanting the Holy Name. Naam bina kichu nahi. Nothing to visit here! When we are chanting the HK mantra, there is nothing else you want to buy and keep.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Yatra Day 8, Mayapur

Evening program at Mayapur

Mayapur Evening Class:
We sang a beautiful song from Bhakti Vinod Thakur

Bhaktivinod Thakur has written a song “Narada muni ,bajay vina “. This song is taken from the book Gitavali (Section: Namastakam Song 8). Narada Muni is a divine sage who plays a prominent role in a number of the Puranic texts, especially in the Bhagwatam. Narad Muni always sings glories of Lord Krishna. His vina constantly calls the names of Sri Radhey and Sri Krishna. The holy names are so nectarios that people emote different feelings. The Hari Krishna mantra if taken faithfully and enthusiastically vibrates in your tongue and you feel the ecstasy. Even the demigods get maddened with the vibrations of the holy names.

narada muni, bajay vina
nama amani, udita haya,

amiya-dhara, barishe ghana,
sravana-yugale giya
bhakata jana, saghane nace,
bhoriya apana hiya

madhuri-pura, asava pasi’,
mataya jagata-jane
keho va kande, keho va nace,
keho mate mane mane

panca-vadana, narade dhori’,
premera saghana rol
kamalasana, naciya bole,
‘bolo bolo hari bolo’

sahasranana, parama-sukhe,
‘hari hari’ boli’ gaya
nama-prabhave, matilo visva,
nama-rasa sabe paya

sri-krishna-nama, rasane sphuri’,
pura’lo amar asa
sri-rupa-pade, yacaye iha,

(1) When the great soul Narada Muni plays his stringed vina, the holy name of Radhika-ramana descends and immediately appears amidst the kirtana of the Lord’s devotees.

(2) Like a monsoon cloud, the holy name showers pure nectar into their ears. Due to great ecstasy, all the devotees enthusiastically dance to their heart’s content.

(3) All the inhabitants of the universe become maddened upon entering these intoxicating showers of divine sweetness. Some people cry, some dance, and others become fully intoxicated within their minds.

(4) Five-faced Lord Siva embraces Narada Muni and repeatedly shouts in ecstasy, while Lord Brahma dances very ecstatically and exclaims, “All of you chant ‘Haribol! Haribol!"

(5) In supreme happiness, thousand-faced Ananta Sesha sings and calls out, “Hari! Hari!” By the influence of the transcendental vibration of the holy name, the whole universe becomes mad with ecstasy as everyone relishes the mellows of the holy name.

(6) The holy name of Sri Krishna has fulfilled all my desires by thus manifesting on everyone’s tongue. Bhakativinoda, the humble servant of the Lord, therefore prays at the feet of Sri Rupa Goswami that the chanting of harinama may always continue in this way.

By His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
This is a song sung by Bhaktivinoda Thakura. The purport of this song is that the great soul Narada Muni is playing on his stringed instrument, called the vina, and vibrating Radhika-ramana, one of Krishna’s names. So, as soon as he plucks the strings and chants, all the devotees immediately respond to him, and it becomes a very beautiful vibration. Amiya-dhara, barishe ghana. As the singing goes on with the stringed instrument, it appears that there is a shower of nectar, and all the devotees then dance in ecstasy to the fullest extent of their satisfaction. Then, as they dance, it appears that they become intoxicated by drinking the beverage called madhuri pura. And as one becomes almost mad by drinking, similarly, all the devotees became mad in ecstasy. And some of them are crying, and some of them are dancing, and some of them, although they cannot dance publicly, are dancing within their hearts. Then Lord Siva embraces Narada Muni and begins to dance and cry out in ecstasy, and when Lord Brahma sees Lord Siva dancing with Narada Muni, he joins in and says, “All of you kindly chant ‘Haribol! Haribol!’” Then gradually the king of heaven, Indra, also joins in with great satisfaction and begins to dance and to chant “Hari hari bol!” In this way, by the influence of the transcendental vibration of the holy name of God, the whole universe becomes ecstatic, and Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, “When the whole universe becomes ecstatic in this way, my desires are satisfied, and I therefore pray unto the lotus feet of Rupa Gosvami that the chanting of harinama may go on nicely like this.”

Then we read the Beda Kirtan pastimes of Mahaprabhu, then we did CHAD.

Yatra Day 7, Kolkata

Today we visited the following beautiful places in Kolkata:

Videos of the entire Kolkata parikrama is here

Puri Yatra Pictures