13 – Shantipur
class by Gurudev:
7. 10.4
low grade of material desires and sense enjoyment is mentioned all over in SB
and well elaborated. In BG 5. 22 – K says what is born out of sense
gratifications it is full of dukh. If we are into material enjoyment, then life
is full of misery. Prahalad teaches the kids that as soon as you even remember
material enjoyments we start suffering. Even if we have the scriptures put
together by Vedavyasa, there is no nectar if it’s devoid of pure dev service.
If you have self realization but don’t have love for GOD then you are stupid. Lottery
is the tax on the stupid. Then it becomes very entagling. K is very
compassionate and merciful and wants all enttieies to come back thome back to
Godhead. He would vountarilly like to
have all souls surrender to him.
kids of people surrender to K, that’s eternally good. The only thing of value
of impetus is to somehow serve K. Out of the people who approach me, one who is
a jnani, he has understood that material desires are not needed and have full
firm in dev service and hence are dear to K, but K also further states that
other 3 are also dear to K because at least they have come to me. K is very
bhakti yogena – All we require is enthusiasm for dev service and if we do, then
K is very merciful to his Devotees, He is karuna and He is aware of one’s
intention. Ex – The Avanti bhramin, was very miserly and due to that
impiousness he lost everything, but because he had a sliver of intention to
serve K that was what is most important. If one is devoid of all good qualities
of a devotee but if he has one quality of surrender to K, even a minute
molecule of good qualities that is enough for him to come back to K. K gives
encouragement throughout SB, even if we are immature in the beginning, K still
says that satyam dishati (SB 5.19.27 canto) arthitam arthito nirnam and then
after getting some material benefits he wants some more. But K says OK I’ll
give you but in such a way that you won’t need it again. K says, I will cover
you with my dev service. K recognizes that this person has done something very
small service so I will take care of this person.
by doing this small service for Me, everything will be covered. From
11.20.27-28; Even though a devotee knows that he is doing something very wrong
materially, because he is so conditioned to renounce all sense enjoyment the
devotee still remains very happy and is very enthusiastic to keep going on his
dev service. Devotee has firm faith and is determined to take the risk and the
process to take K and give K to others.
K is
so merciful that He takes the smallest qualification of someone and then
augments that. Ex – Uddhava says how Putana came to K to kill him but because
she had a small desire to be his mother, K accepted that as her dev service. Penny
principle = K is so kind, the devotees are so merciful that they want to share
this with everyone, anything they can get people to give them a glance = a
lollipop prasadam, a sticker anything to get someone to glance or have response – That is the sankirtan mood.
mentality = OK if K just sees a sliver then why should I endeavor – well this
is for only the sincere devotees who are progressive and are extremely eager to
identify material desires and to replace them with spiritual desires, not just
take things for granted. Sincere devotees identify the material desire, repent
and want to correct themselves by replace them with a spiritual desire. Hard
way is to drag your feet but the easy way is to the VLC = Voluntary Life
change: Example – Special mercy of K –
instead of waiting for K to give special mercy by taking everything away and
forcing the devotee to come to him, instead of waiting which is the hard way do
it the easy way of doing VLC. The good devotee, understands these desires are
coming due to my past conditioning but he realizes it, doesn’t get depressed remains
enthusiastic and hence K helps the devotee to come to him more. Another example
is from K and Arjuna in BG.
Shantipur – Sri Sri Adwaita Acaraya’s
house, Place where Mahaprabhu had prasadam with Nityananda and Adwaita Pr,
Haridas Thakur was initiated, Adwaita Acaraya took initiation from
Madhevendrapuri and also prayed to Saligrama Sila for Mahaprabhu to descend.
by Gurudev:
here we get to know Mahaprabhu is very responsive as with the loud roars of
Adwaita Mahaprabhu descended. Everyone is equal for K but for devotees he has
special mercy. K is like the sun, the rays are going to everyone, but if
someone chooses to be in the dark it’s their choice. Material gains should
never be used for spiritual gains. The purpose of the life is to maintain a
healthy balance for the sake of inquiry. Therefore now is the time to inquire.
Therefore means – you have tried everything and now is the time to inquire and
you have a human body and mind to inquire and understand this process. Those
who worship K, knowledge and everything comes to them. So when Adwaita Pr
prayed to K sincerely by ganges water and tulsi leaves and K was very pleased
by this.
says to Nrsimha, you are like a desire tree, you don’t care what the desire is,
you fulfill everything what someone asks. Please allow me to desire for you. Vishesha
– K’s creation is unique and that’s where Vaisesika comes from. Adwaita comes
from MahaVishnu. He is a manifestation of mahavishnu and sadashiva together. He
is the embodiment of pure service and he calls out to K to descend as
Mahaprabhu. We all live under a desire tree, K is responsive to our prayers as
he lives in us. If we call out to K sincerely, He will appear in his own way.
Ex – Varaha, comes out Brahma’s nostril. If you pray, you know He will come
out. What is required is sincere prayers to Krsna. This is a very quaint place
and if you think about it 500 years ago how this place was? We can do anything
at any remote place – If we pray sincerely anywhere, He will come down nno
matter what. If we have the desire and are sincere and we want to please our
Gurudeva from wherever we are, then we can do it. K will appear and will notice
you, He will come down and empower you. If we desire sincerely to spread the KC
movement then K will empower you.
you put your whole heart and soul in any place you are in whatever service you
are then you will attract everybody all demigods, K to come and help you in
your service. Hence, in this place it’s very importatnt to pray for us to be focused
in whatever service we are in, just like Adwaita Acaraya did.
Class by HG Rajendrananada Pr
place emphasizes – power of sincere prayer and power of service K at any place.
As Adwaita is not different from Hari he is called Adwaita and because he
helped to spread the KC movement he is called Acarya. He cried or roared like a
lion and because of roaring, he woke up the Lord to come down. At first Adwaita
prayed with flowers and one of the flower which went down the ganga touched
Mother Saci and that helped bring Mahaprabhu in Mother Saci’s womb. Lord C
asked Adwaita to ask for boon and he said – if you are giving the love of God
then given it everyone even the women and sudras. He came to give the Holy Name
and garland the world with K prema. He also said – anyone who is proud of high
education, high birth and envious to the Sankirtan movement be dead. Mahaprabhu
loudly responded – Whatever you wish let it be true.
Mother Saci didn’t get K prema in the 21 hours of Srivas Angam, because she was
an offender. Mahaprabhu said she offended Advaita, Visvaroopa was so serious of
KC, that Mother Saci was afraid that he would take sanyas and that’s what
happened. Hence she blamed Advaita Acarya and because she was an offender
Mahaprabhu said you have to go beg for forgiveness of Adwaita.