Mayapur Arrival Lecture
Gurudeva started the lecture by discussing the beautiful Vaishnava song by Lochana Dasa Thakur - Parama Karuna
parama karuṇa, pahū dui jana
nitāi gauracandra
saba avatāra-sāra śiromaṇi
kevala ānanda-kanda
bhajo bhajo bhāi, caitanya nitāi
sudṛḍha biśwāsa kori
viṣaya chāḍiyā, se rase majiyā,
mukhe bolo hari hari
dekho ore bhāi, tri-bhuvane nāi,
emona doyāla dātā
paśu pākhī jhure, pāṣāṇa vidare,
śuni' jāńra guṇa-gāthā
saḿsāre majiyā, rohili poriyā,
se pade nahilo āśa
āpana karama, bhuñjāye śamana,
kahoye locana-dāsa
1) The two Lords, Nitai-Gauracandra, are very merciful. They are the essence of all incarnations. The specific significance of these incarnations is that They introduced a process of chanting and dancing that is simply joyful.
2) My dear brother, I request that you just worship Lord Caitanya and Nityananda with firm conviction and faith. If one wants to be Krsna conscious by this process, one has to give up his engagement in sense gratification. One simply has to chant, "Hare Krsna! Hari Hari!" without any motive.
3) My dear brother, just try and examine this. Within the three worlds there is no one like Lord Caitanya or Lord Nityananda. Their merciful qualities are so great that upon hearing Them even birds and beasts cry and stones melt.
4) But Locana dasa regrets that I am entrapped by sense gratification. Since I have no attraction for the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda, then Yamaraja, the superintendent of death, is punishing me by not allowing me to be attracted by this movement.
Then we sang the Ohe Vaishnava Thakura:
Bhaktivinod Thakur has written this song ”Ohe Vaisnava Thakura”. The official Name for this song is ”Bhajana Lalasa Song 7". This song is taken from the book Saranagati. Bhaktivinoda Thakura prays to the pure devotees to bless him so that that he can control his senses. He prays that he should continue having faith in Hare Krishna Mantra. He pleads that let Krishna be his. This can be possible only by the mercy of a pure Vaishnava.
ohe! vaisnaba thakura, doyara sagara,
e dase koruna kori'
diya pada-chaya, sodho he amaya,
tomara carana dhori
chaya bega domi', chaya dosa sodhi',
chaya guna deho' dase
chaya sat-sańga, deho' he amare,
bosechi sańgera ase
ekaki amara, nahi paya bala,
tumi krpa kori', sraddha-bindu diya,
deho' krsna-nama-dhane
krsna se tomara, krsna dite paro,
tomara sakati ache
ami to' kańgala, 'krsna' 'krsna' boli',
dhai tava pache pache
(1) O venerable Vaisnava. O ocean of mercy, be merciful unto your servant. Give me the shade of your lotus feet and purify me. I hold on to your lotus feet.
(2) Teach me to control my six passions; rectify my six faults, bestow upon me the six qualities, and offer unto me the six kinds of holy association.*
(3) I do not find the strength to carry on alone the sankirtana of the holy name of Hari. Please bless me by giving me just one drop of faith with which to obtain the great treasure of the holy name of Krsna.
(4) Krsna is yours. You have the power to give Him to me. I am simply your servant running behind you shouting, "Krsna! Krsna!"
SB 10.33.36
When the Lord assumes a humanlike body to show mercy to His devotees, He engages in such pastimes as will attract those who hear about them to become dedicated to Him.
Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī explains in this connection that when Lord Kṛṣṇa descends to this world in His original two-handed form, out of kindness He manifests that form in a way His devotees conditioned in human society can perceive and understand. Thus here it is stated, mānuṣaṁ deham āsthitaḥ: “He assumes a humanlike body.” Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura glorifies the Lord’s conjugal pastimes, stating that these romantic affairs have an inconceivable spiritual potency to attract the polluted heart of conditioned souls. It is an undeniable fact that any pure- or simple-hearted person who hears narrations of the loving affairs of Kṛṣṇa will be attracted to the lotus feet of the Lord and gradually become His devotee.
Then we sang the below song:
Bhaktivinod Thakur has written a song “Suddha Bhakata Carana Renu”. This song is taken from the book Saranagati (Section: Bhakti Anukula Matra Karyera Svikara Song 3). Bhaktivinoda Thakura describes the association with Sri Krsna’s devotees very important. He also speaks about the importance of the Holy Dhams where pastimes of Sri Krishna Caitanya were performed. He speaks about the importance of observing fasts like ekadashi and janmashtami. In this song the importance of prasadam is stated. Offering what we eat to the Lord is an integral part of bhakti-yoga and makes the food blessed with spiritual potencies. Then such food is called prasadam, or the mercy of the Lord. Krishna’s potency is absorbed in that food. In this way material substance becomes spiritualized, which then affects our body and mind in a similar way. This is His special mercy for us. Thus, the devotional process becomes an exchange of love between us and God, which includes food. And that food not only nourishes our body, but also purifies our consciousness.
bhakata-seva, parama-siddhi,
prema-latikara mula
madhava-tithi, bhakti-janani,
jetane palana kori
krishna-basati, basati boli’,
parama adare bori
gaur amara, je-saba sthane,
koralo bhramana range
se-saba sthana, heribo ami,
mridanga-badya, sunite mana,
abasara sada jace
gaura-bihita, kirtana suni’,
anande hridoya nace
jugala-murti, dekhiya mora,
parama-ananda hoya
prasada-seba korite hoya,
sakala prapanca jaya
je-dina grihe, bhajana dekhi,
grihete goloka bhaya
carana-sidhu, dekhiya ganga,
sukha sa sima paya
tulasi dekhi’, juraya prana,
madhava-toshani jani’
gaura-priya, saka-sevane,
jivana sarthaka mani
bhakativinoda, krishna-bhajane,
anakula paya jaha
prati-dibase, parama-sukhe,
swikara koroye taha
(1) The dust of the lotus feet of pure devotees, enthusiatic devotional service, and service to the pure devotees of the highest order are the roots of the creeper of devotion.
(2) The holy days like Ekadasi and Janmashtami are the mother of devotion for those devotees who respect them. Let the holy places of Krishna’s pastimes be my places of worship, and bless me.
(3) May I always visit all the holy places associated with the lila of Lord Caitanya and His devotees.
(4) When I hear the sound of the mridanga in my heart I always desire to join in kirtana; and when I hear the bonafide songs decribing Lord Caitanya’s pastimes, my heart dances in ecstasy.
(5) Whenever I see the transcendental sri-vigrahas of Radha-Krishna I am in bliss, for by taking Their Lordships’ prasada we can conquer over the material elements.
(6) One day while performing devotional practices, I saw my house transformed into Goloka Vrindavana. When I take the caranamrita of the Deity, I see the holy Ganges waters that come from the feet of Lord Vishnu, and my bliss knows no bounds.
(7) By seeing the tulasi tree my heart feels joy and Lord Madhava (Krishna) is also satisfied. When I eat the prasada favored by Lord Caitanya it is a new life’s experience. (Lord Caitanya was very fond of a green vegetable preparation called sak, and there is another song in this book that tells of the amazing effects of this type of prasada.)
(8) Bhaktivinoda concludes by saying: "Whosoever attains the stage of enthusiasm for these devotional practices will be supremely blissful wherever he may be."
Videos from today:
1. Arrival lecture Mayapur 2020
Photos from today:
Gurudeva started the lecture by discussing the beautiful Vaishnava song by Lochana Dasa Thakur - Parama Karuna
parama karuṇa, pahū dui jana
nitāi gauracandra
saba avatāra-sāra śiromaṇi
kevala ānanda-kanda
bhajo bhajo bhāi, caitanya nitāi
sudṛḍha biśwāsa kori
viṣaya chāḍiyā, se rase majiyā,
mukhe bolo hari hari
dekho ore bhāi, tri-bhuvane nāi,
emona doyāla dātā
paśu pākhī jhure, pāṣāṇa vidare,
śuni' jāńra guṇa-gāthā
saḿsāre majiyā, rohili poriyā,
se pade nahilo āśa
āpana karama, bhuñjāye śamana,
kahoye locana-dāsa
1) The two Lords, Nitai-Gauracandra, are very merciful. They are the essence of all incarnations. The specific significance of these incarnations is that They introduced a process of chanting and dancing that is simply joyful.
2) My dear brother, I request that you just worship Lord Caitanya and Nityananda with firm conviction and faith. If one wants to be Krsna conscious by this process, one has to give up his engagement in sense gratification. One simply has to chant, "Hare Krsna! Hari Hari!" without any motive.
3) My dear brother, just try and examine this. Within the three worlds there is no one like Lord Caitanya or Lord Nityananda. Their merciful qualities are so great that upon hearing Them even birds and beasts cry and stones melt.
4) But Locana dasa regrets that I am entrapped by sense gratification. Since I have no attraction for the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda, then Yamaraja, the superintendent of death, is punishing me by not allowing me to be attracted by this movement.
Then we sang the Ohe Vaishnava Thakura:
Bhaktivinod Thakur has written this song ”Ohe Vaisnava Thakura”. The official Name for this song is ”Bhajana Lalasa Song 7". This song is taken from the book Saranagati. Bhaktivinoda Thakura prays to the pure devotees to bless him so that that he can control his senses. He prays that he should continue having faith in Hare Krishna Mantra. He pleads that let Krishna be his. This can be possible only by the mercy of a pure Vaishnava.
ohe! vaisnaba thakura, doyara sagara,
e dase koruna kori'
diya pada-chaya, sodho he amaya,
tomara carana dhori
chaya bega domi', chaya dosa sodhi',
chaya guna deho' dase
chaya sat-sańga, deho' he amare,
bosechi sańgera ase
ekaki amara, nahi paya bala,
tumi krpa kori', sraddha-bindu diya,
deho' krsna-nama-dhane
krsna se tomara, krsna dite paro,
tomara sakati ache
ami to' kańgala, 'krsna' 'krsna' boli',
dhai tava pache pache
(1) O venerable Vaisnava. O ocean of mercy, be merciful unto your servant. Give me the shade of your lotus feet and purify me. I hold on to your lotus feet.
(2) Teach me to control my six passions; rectify my six faults, bestow upon me the six qualities, and offer unto me the six kinds of holy association.*
(3) I do not find the strength to carry on alone the sankirtana of the holy name of Hari. Please bless me by giving me just one drop of faith with which to obtain the great treasure of the holy name of Krsna.
(4) Krsna is yours. You have the power to give Him to me. I am simply your servant running behind you shouting, "Krsna! Krsna!"
SB 10.33.36
When the Lord assumes a humanlike body to show mercy to His devotees, He engages in such pastimes as will attract those who hear about them to become dedicated to Him.
Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī explains in this connection that when Lord Kṛṣṇa descends to this world in His original two-handed form, out of kindness He manifests that form in a way His devotees conditioned in human society can perceive and understand. Thus here it is stated, mānuṣaṁ deham āsthitaḥ: “He assumes a humanlike body.” Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura glorifies the Lord’s conjugal pastimes, stating that these romantic affairs have an inconceivable spiritual potency to attract the polluted heart of conditioned souls. It is an undeniable fact that any pure- or simple-hearted person who hears narrations of the loving affairs of Kṛṣṇa will be attracted to the lotus feet of the Lord and gradually become His devotee.
Then we sang the below song:
Bhaktivinod Thakur has written a song “Suddha Bhakata Carana Renu”. This song is taken from the book Saranagati (Section: Bhakti Anukula Matra Karyera Svikara Song 3). Bhaktivinoda Thakura describes the association with Sri Krsna’s devotees very important. He also speaks about the importance of the Holy Dhams where pastimes of Sri Krishna Caitanya were performed. He speaks about the importance of observing fasts like ekadashi and janmashtami. In this song the importance of prasadam is stated. Offering what we eat to the Lord is an integral part of bhakti-yoga and makes the food blessed with spiritual potencies. Then such food is called prasadam, or the mercy of the Lord. Krishna’s potency is absorbed in that food. In this way material substance becomes spiritualized, which then affects our body and mind in a similar way. This is His special mercy for us. Thus, the devotional process becomes an exchange of love between us and God, which includes food. And that food not only nourishes our body, but also purifies our consciousness.
bhakata-seva, parama-siddhi,
prema-latikara mula
madhava-tithi, bhakti-janani,
jetane palana kori
krishna-basati, basati boli’,
parama adare bori
gaur amara, je-saba sthane,
koralo bhramana range
se-saba sthana, heribo ami,
mridanga-badya, sunite mana,
abasara sada jace
gaura-bihita, kirtana suni’,
anande hridoya nace
jugala-murti, dekhiya mora,
parama-ananda hoya
prasada-seba korite hoya,
sakala prapanca jaya
je-dina grihe, bhajana dekhi,
grihete goloka bhaya
carana-sidhu, dekhiya ganga,
sukha sa sima paya
tulasi dekhi’, juraya prana,
madhava-toshani jani’
gaura-priya, saka-sevane,
jivana sarthaka mani
bhakativinoda, krishna-bhajane,
anakula paya jaha
prati-dibase, parama-sukhe,
swikara koroye taha
(1) The dust of the lotus feet of pure devotees, enthusiatic devotional service, and service to the pure devotees of the highest order are the roots of the creeper of devotion.
(2) The holy days like Ekadasi and Janmashtami are the mother of devotion for those devotees who respect them. Let the holy places of Krishna’s pastimes be my places of worship, and bless me.
(3) May I always visit all the holy places associated with the lila of Lord Caitanya and His devotees.
(4) When I hear the sound of the mridanga in my heart I always desire to join in kirtana; and when I hear the bonafide songs decribing Lord Caitanya’s pastimes, my heart dances in ecstasy.
(5) Whenever I see the transcendental sri-vigrahas of Radha-Krishna I am in bliss, for by taking Their Lordships’ prasada we can conquer over the material elements.
(6) One day while performing devotional practices, I saw my house transformed into Goloka Vrindavana. When I take the caranamrita of the Deity, I see the holy Ganges waters that come from the feet of Lord Vishnu, and my bliss knows no bounds.
(7) By seeing the tulasi tree my heart feels joy and Lord Madhava (Krishna) is also satisfied. When I eat the prasada favored by Lord Caitanya it is a new life’s experience. (Lord Caitanya was very fond of a green vegetable preparation called sak, and there is another song in this book that tells of the amazing effects of this type of prasada.)
(8) Bhaktivinoda concludes by saying: "Whosoever attains the stage of enthusiasm for these devotional practices will be supremely blissful wherever he may be."
Videos from today:
1. Arrival lecture Mayapur 2020
Photos from today: