Monday, July 10, 2017

Yatra 2017 - Audio and Video of all classes during yatra

You can find audio of all classes during  last year yatra (Yatra 2017) here -

Please click the below links for audio and video of all classes during the 2017 yatra:

  1. Audio -  Jagannatha and Mayapur Yatra 2017
  2. Video - Jagannatha and Mayapur Yatra 2017

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Day 13 - Mayapur Yatra

Day 13 – Shantipur

SB class by Gurudev:
SB 7. 10.4
The low grade of material desires and sense enjoyment is mentioned all over in SB and well elaborated. In BG 5. 22 – K says what is born out of sense gratifications it is full of dukh. If we are into material enjoyment, then life is full of misery. Prahalad teaches the kids that as soon as you even remember material enjoyments we start suffering. Even if we have the scriptures put together by Vedavyasa, there is no nectar if it’s devoid of pure dev service. If you have self realization but don’t have love for GOD then you are stupid. Lottery is the tax on the stupid. Then it becomes very entagling. K is very compassionate and merciful and wants all enttieies to come back thome back to Godhead.  He would vountarilly like to have all souls surrender to him.
4 kids of people surrender to K, that’s eternally good. The only thing of value of impetus is to somehow serve K. Out of the people who approach me, one who is a jnani, he has understood that material desires are not needed and have full firm in dev service and hence are dear to K, but K also further states that other 3 are also dear to K because at least they have come to me. K is very compassionate.
Tivrena bhakti yogena – All we require is enthusiasm for dev service and if we do, then K is very merciful to his Devotees, He is karuna and He is aware of one’s intention. Ex – The Avanti bhramin, was very miserly and due to that impiousness he lost everything, but because he had a sliver of intention to serve K that was what is most important. If one is devoid of all good qualities of a devotee but if he has one quality of surrender to K, even a minute molecule of good qualities that is enough for him to come back to K. K gives encouragement throughout SB, even if we are immature in the beginning, K still says that satyam dishati (SB 5.19.27 canto) arthitam arthito nirnam and then after getting some material benefits he wants some more. But K says OK I’ll give you but in such a way that you won’t need it again. K says, I will cover you with my dev service. K recognizes that this person has done something very small service so I will take care of this person.
Just by doing this small service for Me, everything will be covered. From 11.20.27-28; Even though a devotee knows that he is doing something very wrong materially, because he is so conditioned to renounce all sense enjoyment the devotee still remains very happy and is very enthusiastic to keep going on his dev service. Devotee has firm faith and is determined to take the risk and the process to take K and give K to others.
K is so merciful that He takes the smallest qualification of someone and then augments that. Ex – Uddhava says how Putana came to K to kill him but because she had a small desire to be his mother, K accepted that as her dev service. Penny principle = K is so kind, the devotees are so merciful that they want to share this with everyone, anything they can get people to give them a glance = a lollipop prasadam, a sticker anything to get someone to glance or have  response – That is the sankirtan mood.
Cheating mentality = OK if K just sees a sliver then why should I endeavor – well this is for only the sincere devotees who are progressive and are extremely eager to identify material desires and to replace them with spiritual desires, not just take things for granted. Sincere devotees identify the material desire, repent and want to correct themselves by replace them with a spiritual desire. Hard way is to drag your feet but the easy way is to the VLC = Voluntary Life change: Example – Special mercy  of K – instead of waiting for K to give special mercy by taking everything away and forcing the devotee to come to him, instead of waiting which is the hard way do it the easy way of doing VLC. The good devotee, understands these desires are coming due to my past conditioning but he realizes it, doesn’t get depressed remains enthusiastic and hence K helps the devotee to come to him more. Another example is from K and Arjuna in BG.

Shantipur – Sri Sri Adwaita Acaraya’s house, Place where Mahaprabhu had prasadam with Nityananda and Adwaita Pr, Haridas Thakur was initiated, Adwaita Acaraya took initiation from Madhevendrapuri and also prayed to Saligrama Sila for Mahaprabhu to descend.

Class by Gurudev:
From here we get to know Mahaprabhu is very responsive as with the loud roars of Adwaita Mahaprabhu descended. Everyone is equal for K but for devotees he has special mercy. K is like the sun, the rays are going to everyone, but if someone chooses to be in the dark it’s their choice. Material gains should never be used for spiritual gains. The purpose of the life is to maintain a healthy balance for the sake of inquiry. Therefore now is the time to inquire. Therefore means – you have tried everything and now is the time to inquire and you have a human body and mind to inquire and understand this process. Those who worship K, knowledge and everything comes to them. So when Adwaita Pr prayed to K sincerely by ganges water and tulsi leaves and K was very pleased by this.
Prahalad says to Nrsimha, you are like a desire tree, you don’t care what the desire is, you fulfill everything what someone asks. Please allow me to desire for you. Vishesha – K’s creation is unique and that’s where Vaisesika comes from. Adwaita comes from MahaVishnu. He is a manifestation of mahavishnu and sadashiva together. He is the embodiment of pure service and he calls out to K to descend as Mahaprabhu. We all live under a desire tree, K is responsive to our prayers as he lives in us. If we call out to K sincerely, He will appear in his own way. Ex – Varaha, comes out Brahma’s nostril. If you pray, you know He will come out. What is required is sincere prayers to Krsna. This is a very quaint place and if you think about it 500 years ago how this place was? We can do anything at any remote place – If we pray sincerely anywhere, He will come down nno matter what. If we have the desire and are sincere and we want to please our Gurudeva from wherever we are, then we can do it. K will appear and will notice you, He will come down and empower you. If we desire sincerely to spread the KC movement then K will empower you.
If you put your whole heart and soul in any place you are in whatever service you are then you will attract everybody all demigods, K to come and help you in your service. Hence, in this place it’s very importatnt to pray for us to be focused in whatever service we are in, just like Adwaita Acaraya did.


Class by HG Rajendrananada Pr
This place emphasizes – power of sincere prayer and power of service K at any place. As Adwaita is not different from Hari he is called Adwaita and because he helped to spread the KC movement he is called Acarya. He cried or roared like a lion and because of roaring, he woke up the Lord to come down. At first Adwaita prayed with flowers and one of the flower which went down the ganga touched Mother Saci and that helped bring Mahaprabhu in Mother Saci’s womb. Lord C asked Adwaita to ask for boon and he said – if you are giving the love of God then given it everyone even the women and sudras. He came to give the Holy Name and garland the world with K prema. He also said – anyone who is proud of high education, high birth and envious to the Sankirtan movement be dead. Mahaprabhu loudly responded – Whatever you wish let it be true.
Only Mother Saci didn’t get K prema in the 21 hours of Srivas Angam, because she was an offender. Mahaprabhu said she offended Advaita, Visvaroopa was so serious of KC, that Mother Saci was afraid that he would take sanyas and that’s what happened. Hence she blamed Advaita Acarya and because she was an offender Mahaprabhu said you have to go beg for forgiveness of Adwaita.

This is where Mahaprabhu took prasadam here at Advaita’s home. 

Pictures from today:

Day 12 - Mayapur Yatra

 Day 12 – Navadweep

Samadhi of Srila Jagannatha Das babaji maharaj.

Class by Gurudeva:

It was here that this acarya chanted many many names of Krsna. When we come to these places we feel so connected and feel empowered by getting a moments association of these great acaryas. We should try to collect the dust of the lotus feet of pure devotees. Without getting the dust we can’t grown spiritually, only if we get mercy by the pure devotee can we progress spiritually.
We sang ohe Vaisnava Thakura!

Srila Jagannatha das babaji maharaj was known for his vrats, he would take 3 months vrats, wake up at 3a and take bath and then lock himself in a closed room without talking. He kept the vrats very very seriously. The mood of keeping vrats – ekadasi vrat, kartik vrats, daily vrats – keeping these vrats and following them will help us progress very quickly spiritually. From JDBM’s example some numerical goal is required. Here is where we should take the dust of JDBM’s and smear it over all our body by taking his instructions on us. He said fix the total number of rounds and complete it end of the day, even if your life is at stake. One has to avoid give up giving up to the mind and staying strong to the vrat. Vrat starts with a V – so it can hold it’s ground. There will be trouble but at the end there will be success. There will be trouble but go on chanting fixed rounds everyday + other daily, weekly, ekadasi, karthik vrats. Don’t get overwhelmed, just keep going on chanting our daily rounds and keeping our vrats no matter any tribulations or issues of life. We have to take shelter of the name, Holy Name is the best medicine and we have to do it. Everything is in the Holy Name. Have the Shraddha, faith that – if I just keep chanting the Holy Name, everything is there and everything will happen = we just have to surrender to Krsna.

One becomes grave and takes the chanting the Holy Name very seriously. Devotees always consider themselves in a bad position. Gravity of the mind happens as we chant the Holy Name. Prahalad said – I’m not afraid of you Nrsimha Bhagavan but I am afraid of the material energy.

We pray here:
1.       To be able to chant our rounds very sincerely with attention = with intention, attention so we have retention
2.       Also be able to keep our vrat.

Class by HG Satyadeva Prabhu:

Vrat is like an anchor so it can keep our mind steady and keep the waters of turbulence steady. So it’s important to make our vrat here. Vrat’s are very potent. Take a vrat and try to stick to it, and then pray to JDBM for us to keep that vrat.  

Class By HG Brgapati Prabhu:
To fix a problem, the solution is something very painful/poisonous at the start but it is a guaranteed method to solve the material problem.  Poison at start but nectar in the end. Krsna is planning something which we can’t see right now, just stick to the solution and keep implementing our Vrats and vows. K will fulfill our desire to get pure dev service but we should allow ourselves to follow with determination the dev process of bhakti and then at the end K will bestow his mercy.

Class by HG Rajendranandana:

He is a mahatma, siddha in our line. He is a paramhamsa. He was the moon amound all the stars of the vaishnavas. He was born and did lot of bhajans at Mayapur around surya kunda. Every chaturmas he would eat only 4 bananas 1 month + other austerities every month but he kept his soul and body by chanting the Holy Name.  Jagannata das babaji and Gaur Kishore babji were bhajananandis but not preachers, but they were still the sikha guurs of our acaryas. These acharyas kept the parampara live and helped it move along. There were 6 periods of dark in Gaudiya Vaishnavism. Even though the devotees were weak but when the kirtan starts, he would jump very very high sometimes abot 5 to 6 feet up in the sky and seeing him dancing, other devotees would be very excited and motivated in KC.
If we are neophytes JDBM would engage them in gardening – hence it’s imp to purify our senses so we can chant the names very nicely. If we are pure in intention R and K dance on our tongue, it’s not that we are chanting the holy name, the holy name is chanting us. The acaryas are present here and it’s up to us if we can perceive them. Very imp to hear from the pure devotees, if we don’t, then it will have a –ve effect.

He confirmed to BVT – 1. Place where Mahaprabhu appeared 2. Srivas Angam and he was the one who coined the panatattva mantra.  When we chant in Mayapur/Nawavdeep – the mercy is flowing, if we chant even with offence Mahaprabhu will still have his gratitude here.

Dhameshvar Mahaprabhu

If one is not getting a taste of Holy Name that means we have committed offenses not just this lifetime but previous lifetimes. We have come in the right yuga as we have the most merciful avatara. We are very fortunate and Gauranga’s purpose is to make ourselves fortunate and then give this fortune to everyone around the world. We have been practicing now is the time to share this instruction to everyone – no excuses, we are not trained, we are not qualified etc etc – just go out and give it to everyone.

Koladweep – is the island of getting rid of all aparadas. It is also pada sevanam. We were able to touch the wooden shoes of Mahaprabhu. Serving the vaishnavas, service to Tulsi devi, Deity worship is all pada sevanam, here is the place were we can also do pada sevanam.

Remember what we have experienced here, remember the offenses we have committed and try to vow to let them go here. The spiritual master opens our eyes and it is upto us to keep our eyes open, don’t do vaishanava aparadha, naam aparadha, gossip – don’t engage in this, keep focused on the Holy Name.

COVER THE WORLD – like Sherman Williams

Evening class by Gurudeva:

Throughout the yatra we have seen and heard things which we are going to take back with us, so we are going to hear everyone’s realizations.

Pictures from today:

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Day 11 - Mayapur Yatra

Day 11 – Nityanand Trayodashi + TOVP visit
Evening class by Gurudeva:

It was nice seeing how K was in the center of the celebration today. Once we keep K in the center then he is the abode of everyone. All we have to do and tell people in life – We are devotees of Lord K. Once we decide we are devotees of K – we become completely happy. As soon as we surrender to K we feel we are in transcendental pleasure. When we serve K, we immediately come into transcendental pleasure. We have so many reactions of our previous sins. We are debtors as soon as we are born, ex - we have an education fund waiting for us. If we completely surrender to Mukunda, we are covered we don’t have to pay anyone. Step by step by stages all the sins are eradicated. Material world is like sleeping like a man and waking up like a dog. Sins are in different stages – prarabdha, aprarapdha – different stages of sins. But if we take to KC, then the burning of sins is so fast that it will be a great relief. It’s like putting a needle through all the lotuses it’s practically like going through all of them at once.

When Lord Nityananda came he hid in the house of Nandanaaharya’s house and Mahaprabhu took him all the way to the house and said here is Lord Nityananda. Lord Nityananda went down the streets glorifying the Holy Name all around Nadiya.

Our life in KC should be such that as soon as we hear something we are able to connect the Shastra and point the connecting Shastra and sloka. That is when we are becoming an uttama adhikari – Strong faith and knows Shastra and knows how to connect them and present it to others.

LEARN SLOKAS – LEARN ALL SHASTRA to be solidly situated in KC in our life. One must not be lazy when trying to learn KC and Shastra. A siddhanta means it not only what it is but also what is not. Don’t be lazy when it comes to siddhanta. Mind becomes very fixed and determined when we have faith in K. This is how I’m fully devoted in KC =  know the science of KC with all the slokas, Shastra. Nityananda is in the same category as Mahaprabhu. He was very beautiful and his knowledge was very profound. Nityananda went out and told everyone to chant GAURANGA!
Then we sang Nadia Nagare Nitai niche niche gaye re….
Anybody who comes into the contact of Lord Nityananda also gets inspired and becomes like Nityananda Pr – just going out and distributing it to everybody.  Lord C and N were trying to market this all over the world and hence we sang the Khoda Nitai song.
Just try to get a lesha/a whiff of mercy. If we can just get a lesha/ a tiny whiff of mercy then we can understand this KC. Just pray to Lord Nityananda and chanting the Holy Name and then everything changes. If a tear comes to your eye when we chant Gaura’s name then he gives that person all intelligence.
To achieve Radha and Krsna’s love, we need mercy of Mahaprabhu and go get mercy of Mahaprabhu we need mercy of Nityananda and to get mercy of Nityananda we have to go out and preach to the Jagai’s and Madhai’s of this world. Srila BSST said to grow spiritually we have to go out to preach to everybody. When we go out to tell everybody the KC to others they meet with resistance and it’s in seeing the mystical potency in oneself going from Lord Nityananda, Chaitanya – if one surrenders to the process of distributing KC to others – books, prasadam, festivals etc – we can see how this is used as an instrument, we can also see the look on the faces of the people who get this Holy Name and think this is so exotic, mystical and what is this transcendental sound and Lord Nityananda becomes suddenly very happy and in seeing this happiness in everyone, spreading KC directly to everyone makes our body chit sharira or chid rakta. How do we get this – by knocking on doors, by giving it to everyone. They take the risk to save the most fallen people. We can’t judge the external covering of everyone. This is enlivening to the self. Those who go out and preach the message to others K says are very dear to me. Also in SB – Those who go out and preach to others they get into a Samadhi when they do that and by that Lord K, C, N become pleased and then they develop spiritual blood and spritiual body and then our chanting also becomes very strong and when we see the Holy Name on everyone’s lips we feel great bliss. 

Pictures from today:

Day 10 - Mayapur Yatra

Day 10
Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur’s Samadhi – Surabhi Kunj
By Gurudeva:
Gäy gorä madhur sware – we sang this vaisnava song.
This is a very special place as BVT was the power house who revived Mahaprabhu’s movement, every acarya has to work within a specific environment that requires a special skill in presenting the philosophy of KC. There is no teacher in our line came into the world who didn’t face challenges. The people of the world are opposed to the teachings of KC.
From BG 7.26, K says living entities are born with this aversion to KC and attraction to material nature and someone is teaching the material nature people think it’s going against them. With BVT there was a great influence of the British and they wanted to undermine the culture of India. The British knew that SB was especially objectionable. They hence undermined these ideas. From the early writings of BVT he questioned some of the comtemporary writers, he was a voracious reader. To understand SB we need to have a sadhu ex – SP’s purports and there we see how he is depending on the previous acaryas in our line.
Gaudiya Vaisnavism was in disarray after the gosvamis had left. Hence there were multiple groups of different teaching based on Rupa Gosvami’s teachings and hence people in general thought the Gaudiya Vaisnavism got degraded.
At this time he found the CC. The literature is very imp, it’s a container as it holds culture and knowledge of the time and gives it to others. The literature wasn’t abundantly available. It’s very important to distribute these literatures and Gurudev gave an example how Gopiparadhana pr used a microscope to read the SB by Sridhar Swami.
Whenever a pure acarya comes we notice the movement goes closer and closer so people can come closer to K. After he had read all the different religious scriptures BVT was convinced by the SB that this is the highest truth. Hence he was considered the 7th gosvami – They brought together all the scriptures into one which is the most meaningful and this is the religion of all jiva souls. Real dharma is giving this mercy to everybody. He was the eastern savior and this religion would take root all over the world.
By BVT’s mercy we got all the mercy, he had 10 kids, a lawyer and still wrote multiple books. Sankirtan devotees feel at home here as we know what BVT’s mission was and if we can tune our frequency to the right station
Class by HG Satyadeva Pr
BVT wrote many Vaisnava bhajans  and just singing these bhajans are so potent that we can change our consciousness. “Be Here Now” – Always be there for Krsna every moment we are doing devotional service. It came by the mercy by BVT’s songs and Vaishnava songs. Just sing them, meditate on his songs and we can purify our consciousness.
Class by HG Rajendrananda:
Please read the 7th goswami book as that will change our consciousness. He is our guru and he is ALIVE. Just follow in his footsteps by spreading the sankirtan movement.
Srila Gaura Kishore das babaji maharaj’s bhajan kutir is right next to Srila BVT’s so he could get inspiration from BVT and do his bhajan here. He was worshipping Gaura Gaddhara. He is Kamala manjari in the spiritual world, please read the Navadwip Mahatmya by BVT. His diksha guru is Vipin Bihari in the line of Jahanava and Nityananda Prabhu. He was the servant of ananga majari. He prayed to both Jhananva, Nityananda and Vipin Bihari in each chapter of the book. His siksha guru was Jagannata das babaji. Whoever we are, whatever we be, all we can do is to do service to our Guru and please him and what will please maharaj is spreading the sankirtan movement. Naam hat (BV) is also from BVT – BVT went door to door, village to village to spread sankirtan movement, wrote 100 books. BSST understood the mood of his father BVT and hence he spread the sankirtan movement by printing literature and distributing it. Our mood should hence be to distribute literature more and more so we can please our parampara. People are suffering like crazy and hence it our only dharma is to spread the sankirtan movement.
Then we went upstairs and see the room of BVT and BSST and sang - Boro Sukher Khabor Gäi— Däläler Gétä “The Song of the Broker” From Vaiñëava-Siddhänta-Mälä Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura

After that we had Ganga Snan

Evening class by Gurudev

CHAD – 17
Austerity Of speech – it should be like NVC (Non Violent Communication) = Austerity of speech consists in speaking words that are truthful, pleasing, beneficial, and not agitating to others, and also in regularly reciting Vedic literature.
Try and be friends with anyone and if you have those relationships and friendship with trust then you can make suggestions. If they follow it then fine if not don’t be attached to it.
Also should use this in book distribution – in the 5 secs we have we should follow the austerity of speech and develop a quick friendship to share and preach KC to anybody and everybody.
To achieve this stage of having austerity of speech is to do well to others. Give mercy to others and then you get satisfaction.
Keep your mind always occupied in KC, by either memorizing slokas, rearrange the environment in such a way that it is always KC. Ex – in America there was concern about political concerns so Gurudev made a vow to make sure that he will withdraw all his senses from that realm and make sure he absorbs himself in something which is KC – read books, Slokas, hearing of lectures. Always try to be on KC realm. The highest realm is on KC. Make boundaries for the mind so you can tell the mind – (forethought) that you shouldn’t go there its dangerous and we will fall down. If we fall down due to some reason, regroup, make a plan and again make boundary and plan for following it.
When devotees are  in the circle of influence which is by KC, it is available to me and I can do something about it and devotees are joyful constantly. Don’t worry about the circle of concern because yes there is a concern but we can’t do anything about it. Example – where there is a war or tornado – we have a circle of influence and circle of concern, just do the things in your circle of influence and don’t worry about the circle of concern. Srila Prabhupada was very measured in his external symptoms but only show steadiness– sustained interest in KC and also do your sustained service. When they speak we know their internal state of their joy. Artificial joyfulness is a real disturbance to the Vaishnava society, sometimes the neophytes devotee show over exuberance and that shows the devotee is doing it artificially. Senior devotees/advanced devotees always know how to act and they know how to act in the environment and time and circumstance. Vaishnavs always express themselves appropriately with time place and circumstance.

The dasavatra strotram is a grave song yet joyful.
Pictures from today:

Day 9 - Mayapur Yatra

Day 9 – Mayapur Yatra
We did the morning program at Mayapur temple and then went to Yogapeet
By Gurudeva:
This is where Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared under the neem tree. Krsna is so kind that He appears here in the material world. Goloka is nija dhaam, Krsna’s own dhaam, K comes from that dhaam to give us relief from this material world and take us back home back to Godhead. This is His leela, He came on the eclipse and everyone went to the Ganga and stayed in the Ganga chanting the Holy names of the Lord. This was the start of how He spread the Sankirtan movement all over the world. There are 9 islands here and this is non different from Vrindavan. We are in antardwip – this is the inner of the lotus antar mean inside. Mahaprabhu gave Brhma the boon to come down as Haridas Thakur and because of the brahma vimohana lila and then Brahma realized that the only thing most important in the 14 worlds is saying the Holy Name of Krsna.
Sri Vrindavan dhaam is the abode of sweetness, here in Mayapur (Audarya dhaam) the sweetness is a lot and everyone is just distributing it, just by giving out the Holy Name, prasadam, book distribution everything increases more and more and that is the mood Mahaprabhu brought. Only devotees with pure attitude can enter the dhaam but even after entering the dhaam if there is no mood of devotional service they can’t see the dhaam.
Mercy of the dhaam – anyone who can dive into the sankirtan party (it can be done anywhere in the world) if we worship Mahaprabhu in the sankirtan movement we dive into Radha and Krsna pasttimes.  As we go deeper into R and K pasttimes we see Mahaprabhu more and more and as we dive deeper into Gauranga’s pasttimes we go deeper into R and K pasttimes.
Take this mood, dive deeper and go spread this all over the world.
By HG Satyadev Prabhu:
Just like a stone thrown in the water creates ripples which hits all the shores, similarly, from Yogapeeth where Gauranga was born all the sankirtan ripples are hitting all shores of the world. BVT whose house is very close, was searching for the birthplace of Mahaprabhu and by the mercy of Gauranga he found it.
HG Rajendranandana Prabhu
We can see the dhaam by our eyeballs but instead with our ears hearing from senior devotees. This is where the Lord appeared and then spread the sankirtan movement. Just hear from the senior devotees and serve them and if you do then we can become free from all sins and we don’t have to take birth again in this material world. Mahaprabhu smashes pretentious and hypocritical devotional service. Pure devotees touch the hearts of others and we want to serve them so one day our hearts also become pure and we are able to touch the hearts of others also.  Srila BVT wanted to find the birthplace of Mahaprabhu, he noticed a dust cloud coming everday to the birthplace of Mahaprabhu, he followed it and then also confirmed by his Spiritual Master Srila Jagannatha das babaji. He wasn’t able to walk but when he visited this place, he started dancing.
Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur’s Samadhi
This was the parent of all Gaudia Math’s. Here Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur established Sri Guru Gauranga and Sri Sri Gandharvika Giridhari deities who are very beautiful. Along with the beautiful deities, he also established the 4 sampradayas – Sri Brahma-Madhva Sampradaya; Sri Kumara-Nimbarka Sampradaya, Sri Rudra-Vishunuswami sampradaya and Sri  Sri(laxmi)-Ramanuja Sampradaya.
We sang Ohe-Vaisnava Thakur and then Çré Guru-paramparä Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Gosvämé Prabhupäda (The last line of the kirtan was added to glorify Srila Prabhupada)

The main consideration became the diksha line. K was concerned that after his departure that the yadus could also disappear and hence He devised the war at Prabash. Curse was due to the Yadu boys mocked the sages by asking the padding which they had hid under their clothes was going to be a boy or a girl. The sages said you will give birth to a lump of iron and that will be the cause of the death of your entire dynasty. Jara then used that lump of iron on his arrow and used it to pierce the foot of K. This lump of iron was swallowed by the fish which was caught by the fisherman. K was concerned that later groups would claim that only blood lines coming under them could get initated and become devotees of K. They would called this the body line. BSST and BVT ensured that Gurus have to be alive in KC and then the knowledge flows down the line. When K really manifests in our hearts and then soul that is known as real diksha.

 Our acaryas are connected to Shastra, they read the Shastra, listen and follow the Shastra. They know how all the Shastra connect with each other. As the Upanishads can’t be understood so commentaries was given which is the Vedanta sutra by Srila Vyasadeva (Samadhi Bhasya – as Vyasadeva went into Samadhi, saw K and then wrote the SB). The acaryas get the inspiration from the vedas. In order to give a universal religion he takes 2 of each acaraya’s thoughts and presents the SB.
Mahaprabhu took from the Ramanuja sampradaya sanyas – He took that the practice of dev ser must be free from jnana and karma. The highest workship is visnu but higher than that is the worship of Visnu’s tadiya who are actually the devotees.
Mahaprabhu took deity worship from Madhvacarya.
Vishnuswami - The full dependence of K came from Vishnuswami
Nibarka – took the dependence of Radhika and the highest Raag marg.
Book Distribution is very important and they are containers so they are idea seeds and hence we give out the truth to everybody as there is so much mish mash of the truth by Sankaracharya.
Class by HG Rajendrananda:
Significance of Radha Kunda. It was here BSST did his 1 lakh names of Naam vrata. He also got the blessings of BVT and all the acaryas. K is everywhere and same way dhaam is everywhere sometimes its manifest and sometimes unmanifested. BSST, said same way Radha Kund is everywhere and hence BSST asked to dig and establish Radhakund/Shyamkund here.
BSST at Vrindavan first preached heavy philosophy before saying who K is.
HG Satyadeva Prabhu
Our line is a Sikha line. The real cause of going back to Godhead is receiving sikha from a realized soul. The real change comes from association with the realized souls and also acting upon the words of the realized souls makes us go back home back to Godhead. He also showed how all the sampradays were connected and we have a universal religion. .
Srivas Angam
Notable pasttimes which took place at Srivas Prabhu’s house. Srivas Angam was more like Srivas Prabhu’s garage. After Mahaprabhu book initiation at Gaya by Isvara Puri, his spiritual emotions which erupted was visible. One of the places where he showed his emotions were at Srivas Angam. Srivas Pandit was worshipping Narsimha dev and Mahaprabhu kept knocking on the door to tell Srivas that He was Narsimha bhagavan. He also performed the maha Prakash lila at Srivas Angam.  Vrindavan Das Thakur shared that all the vaisnavas knew all the procedures and sang the bathing song to Mahaprabhu.
Mahaprabhu also releaved his 6 armed form to Nityananda Pr. He reveled Narshima bhagavan at Srivas pr at his Angam.
It was also here that Srivas’s son died and he didn’t say anything about it till after the kirtan. It was here for 1 year they performed noctoral kirtan ALL night long – they didn’t sleep at all. We are going to go to that place and try to pray for such inspiration that just like devotees didn’t sleep all night long and kept doing dev service, same way we can also keep doing sankirtan yajna all day/night long.
Evening class By Gurudeva
1.       Chad chapter 17
a.       All problems of life happen due to the mental concoctions. BG solves all the problems. The way to solve the problems of life is to hear the BG everyday. If you still have problems in life and still you aren’t reading BG then it’s our problem!
b.       SP had said we need to cram the shastras. Remember how we crammed our studies, same way we need to cram our shastras and keep reading very repetitively. As we cram, our mind become clear and we get connected to K more and more. So when choice have to be made, we always choose K over maya.
c.       As we cram K Katha, we notice our choices towards KC decisions are much better due to vedic intelligence.
d.       SB- 2.2.35 = Satyadev’s prabhu’s favorite verse. One can perceive the supersoul in themselves by using our vedic intelligence. In the purport of 2.2.35 SP speaks about vedic intelligence.
e.       Various level fear(afraid if I don’t do it I will get smashed)>Profit(doing it for some profit for me)>Duty(I do it because I need to do it, doing it with gratitude)> With love (unalloyed because I want to just please the other person)
f.        When we pray or make request to K, the proper way to pray is “ Oh Krsna, if you so desire, you may supply me with ….”
g.       In whatever stage of spiritual life you are – akama, sakama, moksha kama, tivr bhakti yogena – perform concentrated bhakti yoga as Krsna is the source of all – we have to continue to do bhakti yoga. As we do that we will finally get pure love for Krsna.
h.       SB 5.19.27 – satyam disati arthitam arthitah nrnam….
i.         Just become a motivated devotee (sakama bhakta). If we are a motivated devotee K will eventually make sure we have no material desires and gives us the highest benediction. Even for material motives we should just engage in dev service of the Lord and in the end we can go back home back to Godhead.
j.         K is so merciful that even though we have material desire but if we are engaged in K’s service then K being so merciful will ensure that we come to him and get rid of all material desires.
k.       Very important to give up unfavorable habits by doing regular Ks service and reading and having vedic intelligence. If we don’t voluntarily surrender (VLC = Voluntary Life Changes), then Krsna will give “special mercy” (make the life changes in some way that we are forced to give up this habit) Hence very importance to be fortified by spiritual vedic knowledge that we just give up this habit.
l.         SB 10.14.8= Just by remaining alive in KC, motivated and determined – K automatically makes him come to unmotivated service to Him. (Read the purport of this special verse)
m.     We can also pray so we get rid of material desires. Ex – Prahalad maharaj, Prithu maharaj.
n.       We can also pray like Prithu maharaj, please do whatever you need to do to my life so I can become closer to you and get Krsna prema in this lifetime.
o.       It’s a very small price to pay to give this entire lifetime to K’s service.
p.       SB 11.20.27-28 – Even if we have material desires, how can we get rid of it.
2.       Nityanandahtakam

3.       Dashavatara strotram

picture from today: